Thank you for choosing Jamie's Run
5K Road race, 3k charity walk and kids K!
THE JK 5K RUN: Route Map. A fast, flat run down to the historic and scenic Town Green, around and back.
CHARITY WALK: Walk for Jamie and all the kids battling cancer at Connecticut Children's!
KIDS K FUN RUN: Kid's 12 and under are welcome to run the Fun Run. The Kids K is approximately 0.4 miles.
AWARDS: Awards will be given to the top male, female and non-binary 5K runners and top 3 male/female runners in each age category. Stay for awards after the Kids K.
Safety: Please seed yourself by your 5K time at the start line, slower runners towards the back. Walkers (yellow bibs) are asked to line up behind all the runners (white bibs). Inclement weather and possible delays or cancellation will be at the discretion of JB Sports, the race director. No refunds will be given due to cancellation. There is no rain date.