Why Give to Jamie's Run?
Supporting Jamie's Run and Connecticut Children's directly affects children and families struggling and fighting cancer and blood disorders right now. Not only do we support over 100 pediatric cancer clinical trials with research shared all over the world, we assist families struggling to make ends meet during their child's treatment.
What are Clinical Trials?
Sometimes they are a child's last hope.
Clinical trials are scientific studies used to determine the most effective and safest cancer treatments. Clinical trials increase survival rates and reduce adverse side effects.
Why are they so important?
Kids deserve to live.
Fifty years ago, childhood cancer took almost every life it touched. Thanks to clinical trials research, nearly 80% of kids survive today – but we have much more work to do.
Why is funding so important?
Clinical trials require a team of researchers and are very time intensive. This makes them very expensive, but a crucial part of a child’s survival. Insurance reimbursements don’t cover these costs, and unfortunately only 4% of Federal research funding is directed to childhood cancer. You can provide critical funding, giving doctors the time they need to give children the care they deserve.
Family Assistance
Cancer doesn't care about the socio-economic status of a family. Life comes screeching to a halt when you hear the words "your child has cancer." How do you keep your job? How do you pay the rent? How do you keep your other children's lives "normal?" The Family Assistance Fund helps close those gaps for families in need and provides support for the parents and siblings of children undergoing treatment.
Connecticut Children's provides world class care for the whole family. From personal experience we can say there is no place we would rather have been. They are our family.